Connection Technology System Inc. is always grateful and appreciated for all the support from our distinguished partners and valuable customers. As one of major exhibitors, Connection Technology System Inc. is delighted and honour to greet all visitors and friends in Interop Tokyo 2023 which would take place on 06/14~06/16.
In Interop Tokyo 2023, Connection Technology System Inc. is proudly present and demonstrate the highest level of reliability and stability of our network products with LIVE display in ShowNet exhibition area.
Please see the information as below:

~ About ShowNet ~
This is the copy of the first Interop Tokyo in 1994 and this is THE spirit of Interop.
Interop Tokyo is proud of delivering the “ShowNet” since 1994.
While there are a lot of ways to get information though internet, they never prove that the products are really working or not in live. Interop has delivered the “LIVE” information to stake holders how the latest technology works.
ShowNet Website: https://www.interop.jp/2023/shownet/
【Products we present】
– 10G Switch –
ESW-5112 (PTP)

Managed Ethernet Switch with 8 x 1Gbps-ports, 2 x MultiGig-ports and 2 x 1/10Gbps SFP slots
( Support 360W )

24 x 10/100/1000Base-T RJ-45 + 4 x 1/10GBase-R SFP+ Managed Ethernet Switch
( Support 360W/720W )
– Swtich –
– Media Converter –
InteropTokyo 2023 Website: https://www.interop.jp/
If there is further requirement or discussion about above product series, please see the contact information as below.
【Contact Us / Japan Branch】
Connection Technology Systems Japan Ltd.
Marketing & Sales
TEL : 06-6450-8890
E-mail : info_ms@jp.ctsystem.com